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On The Blog>>>>Family session with The Podolak family.

Meet the Podolak Family, Michael, Krisy, Poppy, Leo and Autumn.

Just before lockdown hit us, we headed off to this amazing location for family photos. These guys were alot of fun, full of smiles, silly faces and lots and lots and lots of running through the long grass. The kiddies had a ball.

Mum and Dad watched on as the kiddies had some fun with photo's of silly faces. Kids love to do these types of photos, I do hear 'oh my children wouldn't behave for family photos', but when it's made to be fun you will find they will and they will enjoy it. Family Sessions are all about the fun. And as you can see Michael and Krisy were having giggles at the 3 beautiful children.

I do bring a blanket along to your session, because lets face it if mum is wearing white she won't be a fan of sitting of the ground, so by adding a blanket it is protecting everyone's clothing and adding texture as well.

I do like to do a couple of posed family shots like the image above, but I do love natural shots as well... like families just walking ( like the 1st image in this post ), just letting the kiddies do something they want to do. I tend not to plan too much for family session's, plan for a couple of ideas and then just let everyone be natural and if having a little dance or cuddle is something you want to do then I say go for it!

Just letting the kiddes have fun and run through the long grass not only lets them burn off some energy, it's something fun for them, gives mum and dad a break from being photographed ( except in the photo above hehe ) but it makes for a great photograph.

Don't worry... I don't forget about mum and dad, I make sure a grab some couple photos too, cos let's face it there would be no Podolak Family without Michael & Krisy.

Who doesn't love big cuddles with mum....

...and piggy back rides with dad... dad's always want to do fun stuff with the kiddies.

And of course photographs of just the children. Plus I took photos of each, Poppy, Leo and Autumn.

So that wraps up The Podolak Family session. Keep an eye on my facebook and Instrgram pages for more images of this amazing family from their family session with me.

If you are reading this blog post and would like more information about having a family session with me or would like to book your own session click the link below.


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