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Why Family Portraits Are Important

If you’re like most people, you’ve thought about family portrait's but it just hasn’t happened, and that's usually because everyone in the family is busy, and can't find a date that everyone is free, or you really want to have them done but don't have the spare cash at the moment, or because you want to wait untill the baby can sit or walk, and theres many more reasons why family photo's get put on hold. But... time goes so fast, baby's are growing so fast, children are growing up so fast.

Most people like to update their Family Photo's every 12-24months, children grow up so quickly and having Family Photo's every 12 months or so is an amazing gift to have for your children. They love to sit down and see what they used to look like when they were younger, and it's something for the family to cherish for many many years to come. You can do a few things with family photos, you can make them into a video and add each new lot of photo's to the video. Make a photo collage to hang on the wall or display in your home. Make photo albums. Scrapbooking and get the kiddies involed.

My Top Reason's To Have Family Portraits Done Are:

1:- Family sessions are fun for parents and the kiddies. I offer relaxed and natural family sessions, which are a great way to capture those true family moments, like the kids playing in the sand and mum & dad just watching, the little one deciding to run off and mum and dad 'wave goodbye', mum giving her child a kiss, mum and dad holding hands and watching over the children with all the love just shinning through. you know all those natural and family moments.

2:-Capturing those magical special moments. When the family has just had a new baby, or getting Grandma and Granddad in the photo's because when they are no longer here you and the kiddies will be so glad they got to be in the photo's too.! Capturing the family's newest member, a fur baby they are welcome to have their photo too. or even just when your baby isn't a baby anymore when they hit double figures or just turning 18. There are so many magical moments in each family and whatever they are they should be captured.

3:- They grow so quick. When your baby isn't a newborn anymore when they start getting on the move, you want to capture these moments before they grow anymore, because before you know it they will be getting ready to go to school and you will wonder how on earth did they grow up so fast.

4:- Get the Family together. It’s not just parents and children that can come in for a session, I fully encourage you to invite grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins - even god parents! A photoshoot is a beautiful excuse to get everyone together, as so many family members move away, get swallowed up by busy jobs and fast-paced lifestyles. Why not put all that aside, set a date and get everyone together to create new memories for you to look back on in years to come

5:-Give the photo's as gifts. They make great christmas gifts, birthday gifts, really anytime of the year. You can even gift a photoshoot to a loved one, that way they don't miss out on having their special moments being photographed.

7:-Parents are always behind the camera. I know I am! so it's great to get out from behind the camera and step in front of it. and why not treat yourself to a trip to the hairdresser, that new outfit you have being eyeing off ( then dress the rest of the fambam around your new outfit ) you kids will appreciate it if you do jump in the photos with them too.

9:- Photo's will live longer than you do!. we don't like to think about it or talk about it even at times, but..... its true. and your children will pass their family photos down to their children, so one day your great great grandchildren will be looking at all of your family photo's . and when your children have their own kids and they will have their own family photo's because that's how they grew up, so they will pass it down from Generation to Generation.

10:- last but not least.... Reliving the memories. I love to sit down with my son and go through photo's, not just ones of us but ones of me as a child with my parents and he loves to see how Nan Nan looked when she was younger and they you hear oh my ... is that really Poppy! it's my history which makes it his history, and it's a great way to spend a rainy day inside, and why not make extra copies of photos each time you get them printed and put the away, so you can sit down as a family and do scrapbooking with them and see what the kiddies create!


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